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Tosolini, Dario Besetzung:
Konzertstück • Originalwerk Produktart:
Partitur • Stimmensatz F-Delta was written specifically for the Eighth Band Camp organized by Giordano Bruno Tedeschi and Linda Anzolin (Valdiporro, Verona, Summer 2016), which was centered on the theme “Notes from Space.” The inspiring image is primarily that of the solemn and tense moment before the launch of the spaceship F-Delta, which is on its way to explore the cosmos (Il decollo [Takeoff]-moderate). The ship has departed (Partenza [Departure]-Allegro): it whizzes gloriously and powerfully between galaxies (Lo stesso tempo), until it reaches an unexplored area of the universe (Alla scoperta di nuovi mondi [Discovering new worlds]-lento). At this very ecstatic moment, the crew members find themselves unprepared and all of a sudden are at the mercy of a terrible storm of asteroids (Allegro). Rugged steering and bold maneuvers do not entirely save the spaceship, which is forced into a hasty crash landing. Bruised and stunned our heroes do not lose heart: they gather their forces (Adagio) and restart the engine of the spaceship, heading once again toward hyperspace (La ripartenza [Reboot}-Allegro)!
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