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Journey to America part 2: The Statue

Journey to America part 2: The Statue
Für eine größere Ansicht klicken Sie auf das Vorschaubild
427,95 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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Marching Band
k. A.



Nitsch, Jason K. • Standridge, Randall D.
Marching Band
The American Dream is presented in this dynamic production by Randall Standridge and Jason Nitsch. Saint-Saens Symphony no.3, America the Beautiful, original material, and narration chronicles the journey of one immigrant from their homeland, the moment when they first see the Statue of Liberty, and then their celebration in the streets of America. Clever costuming and narration make this a truly memorable show for you, your students, and your audience.
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